Kindling The Flame

Throughout the long and painful galus, there have been many sources of tragedy and suffering to individuals and to klal Yisrael as a whole. While some periods were easier and others were harder, throughout it all, the gentiles utilized their power to torture the Yidden and cause them all the

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Defying Death

This story is written in the sefer Zekan Ahron. Approximately four hundred years ago, the city of Ragusa was home to a small Jewish community of about twenty families. While their lives were relatively peaceful, the Jews were constantly aware of the rampant anti-Semitism of the era and strove to

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Safe Separation

When the king of Galicia died without leaving any heirs or wills behind, it was up to the nobles of the land to choose a new king. They sought a king who would project strength and benevolence simultaneously so that the country could flourish in peace and prosperity. After long

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Deceased Defendant

Ahron was a wealthy businessman who saw success in everything he touched. He was involved in all sorts of business ventures, ranging from diamonds to imported rugs, and managed to increase his bottom line exponentially with each deal he closed. As his business grew and his wealth increased, Ahron built

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A Piece about Peace

Someone once asked Rav Meir Premishlan, “I have an enemy who looks for ways to make my life difficult. He taunts me, he robs me, he bothers my children. He creates opportunities to shame me and destroy me. What can I do about him?” “Go over to your enemy and

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Forever Cow

Rav Meir Premishlan was a tremendous tzaddik and an unusually giving person. At his levayah, Rav Shlomo Kluger said in his eulogy that he never saw another human who gave as much of himself away as Rav Meir Premishlan. Rav Meir would give everything he owned away to others. His

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Al Kiddush Hashem

Harav Alexander Ziskind, known as the Yesod V’Shoresh HaAvodah, was a great tzaddik and yarei shamayim who lived in the city of Horodna during the era of the Vilna Gaon. During his time, a vicious blood libel was instigated against Eliezer ben Shlomo , an unassuming Jew in his city.

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The Lost Son

In the days of yore, there were maggidim who traveled from village to village, imparting words of wisdom and rebuke through interesting stories and parables. These maggidim were blessed with the ability to fire the souls of their audience, to awaken the blatant spark lying dormant in the hearts of

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Precise Judgement

The Rizhiner Rebbe was a great gaon and tzaddik, and he was from the leaders of all Chassidic rebbes in his time. He had a warm, accepting personality, one that drew others like a magnet. Jews from all walks of life were attracted by his kindness and caring, and he

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Ripple Effect

Reb Zemira lived in the times of the Tenaim, a few generations before the Zohar Hakadosh. In those days, donkeys were a common mode of transportation, used for getting from one destination to the next. Reb Zemira, too, owned a donkey, which he rode whenever he needed to travel. On

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