Reb Mendel and the Marranos

Reb Mendel and the Marranos Mendel was a young genius who thirsted tremendously for Torah knowledge and was constantly on the lookout for seforim that he had never come across before. His brilliant mind retained everything he learned, and no matter how many seforim he devoured, he always pined for

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The Epidemic

It began with the child of the baker, who fell ill with a seemingly routine childhood ailment. His symptoms grew worse by the hour, and two days later, the child breathed his last. A funeral was held, the child was buried, and the community mourned along with the baker’s family.

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Loss of a Leader, Loss of Opportunity

After the famed Pnei Yehoshua passed away, the community leaders were in a quandary. The Pnei Yehoshua was their rav, as well as the gadol hador. There was so much to say over, so much to mourn.  However, the Pnei Yehoshua had strictly written in his tzava’ah that he not

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A Giant in Torah A Giant in Sensitivity

The gadol hador, Maran HaRav Shach, was niftar over twenty years ago, yet the effects of his eternal legacy, that of remaining true to our mesorah despite the myriad changes in the world around us, have not waned at all.  After his passing, hundreds of stories were told and retold,

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Wonderous Waters

Concealed within nature, Hashem created certain kinds vegetation and stones that carry hidden powers. Rabbeinu Bachaya’s commentary on Parshas Titzaveh lists a variety of stones and grasses that each contain certain segulos. For example, there is specific kind of stone that brings wealth to one who owns it. Another kind

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Home At Last

CHAPTER ONE R’ Nesanel Hatzadik was not born with this noble title. His was a difficult upbringing, but he utilized his challenges as rungs on the ladder of his personal growth, ascending higher and higher. His difficulties forced him to work on his character and better his middos, and soon

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The Taz’s Unquenchable Thirst

When the holy Bach was already an elderly man, he was once traveling in the vicinity of the Town where his great son-in-law, the Taz, resided. He decided to detour through the Taz’s city to visit his son-in-law. As soon as the Taz got word of his illustrious father-in-law’s plans,

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An Audience with the King

Yehuda felt a special connection to Shabbos, and worked on himself to elevate Shabbos and to observe the holy day in the loftiest of ways. He kept his mind determinedly focused only on inyanim of Shabbos, not allowing his thoughts to wander to mundane matters. Sleep? How could he sleep

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Reverberations of Sensitivity

Rav Shalom Schwadron, the famed Yerushalmi maggid, taught by example that one wasn’t lowering himself by being sensitive to the feelings of children, but that this was the way to propel oneself to greatness. He would go out of his way to make young children, especially orphans, feel special. In

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Free to Fly

Behind the Iron Curtain lived an elderly rav, whom we’ll call Rav Baruchov, who had a shul in his basement. There wasn’t much about the room that made it a shul, save for the small aron kodesh in the front and the bimah at its center. But this was the

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